Sukhoi Case Not to Impair Indonesia-Russia
"The accident will not hurt the relations between both countries."
Boediono (Antara/ Widodo S Jusuf)
VIVAnews - Russian Ambassador to Indonesia, H.E. Alexander Ivanov, visited the Indonesian Vice President, Boediono, in effort to accompany the Russian delegation team on the investigation over the crashed Sukhoi Superjet-100.
Russian Industry Deputy Minister, Yuri Slyusar, and United Aircraft Corporation President, Mikhail Pogosyan, were parts of the delegation.
Vice Presidential spokesperson, Yopie Hidayat, said the delegation will assist the national search and rescue team in the evacuation process as well as looking into the possible causes of the crashed aircraft.
Boediono stated his deep condelence to families of Sukhoi Superjet-100 victims. However, he said the accident will not impair the relations between Indonesia and Russia.
"The accident will not hurt the relations between both countries. Immediate investigation over the case and credible explanation for the accident must be set out as the international community sets their eyes on this case," Boediono was quoted as saying by Yopie on Monday.
The delegation was divided into three: search and rescue team; forensic expert team; and investigation team.
According to Yopie, Yuri Slyusar, head of the delegation team, said the Russian President formed the special committee as soon as the news on the crashed Sukhoi Superjet-100 arrived in Russia.
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